I’ve made the decision that for me, 2020 will be the year of the #GirlBoss! As we begin to wave goodbye to 2019 and get ready to welcome in the new decade, most of us are in the midst of reflecting on last year, and creating resolutions to ensure that 2020 will be our best year yet! Now, if you’re anything like 90% of the female population, your standard resolutions will probably look quite similar to mine…
- Lose 8kg by attending F45 twice a day
- Stop eating sugar – I shall not step foot in Koko Black
- Use a face mask AT LEAST 3 times a week (they solve all your problems)
…and I can guarantee that by the second week of January, life has accelerated back to full speed and these have all flown out the window. It was a nice thought – oh well, I’ll definitely try harder next year!
I’m sure many of you can relate to that feeling.
Not the year 2020. In 2020 let’s create resolutions that are going to be realistic, measurable and achievable. We can do this because we can shape our resolutions around something we all have to do every day, something that only we can drive – our careers.
You heard it here first – I am declaring 2020 the year of the #GirlBoss
Let’s take the time to set some firm career goals and hold ourselves accountable for them. Put all these little resolutions into motion and set the tone for 2020 – Make this YOUR year and smash it!
Below are my top 8 resolutions to ensure you start the year as you mean to go on.
Don’t be shy
Jump on LinkedIn and get networking! You probably meet (and ‘e-meet’) a handful of new contacts a month, so why not connect with them too? If they’re active on LinkedIn you’ll see what they’ve been up to in their working life and it’s a great conversation starter next time you speak to them – “Hey, that seminar you went to looked amazing. Tell me about it…” It’s all about your personal brand – get your name out in front of people and don’t let them forget it!
Become a follower
Find a blog, whether it be an industry expert in your field or a motivational writer. You’ll get golden nuggets of insider information and helpful tips that will give you a little boost during the day. For all my fellow recruiters, make sure you’re following the Godfather of Recruitment – the one and only Greg Savage
Get moving
Sure we all have weeks where we find ourselves chained to our desk for days on end, drowning in emails and trying to tackle the 5,000 things on our to-do list. However, it is our responsibility to look after ourselves and recent studies say that sitting down all day is worse than smoking. Right? Ew! Get those legs in motion and every hour go and do a lap around the office, or go and take yourself on a 30 minute walk at lunch. Your body and mind will thank you for releasing some mid-work endorphins.
Put your hand up
Start to embrace and ask for feedback – why wait for your quarterly/bi-annual review? Get a head start and show some initiative. Pop a quick email to your boss to check in with how they think you’re tracking. Ask for their advice – you might find a new method of working that helps you succeed. Work smarter, not harder. Proactiveness is key.
Networking events are a fabulous way to enhance your professional knowledge and meet others in your industry. Get online and find some relevant organisations that host events every month or so. These events can also seem a little nerve wracking if you’re going solo, so grab a colleague and do some team bonding whilst you’re there – win-win!
Fuel your success
Does the mid-afternoon slump hit you hard, leaving you drawn towards the snack cupboard? If you’re guilty of being in a constant carb cycle each day – pastry for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, a little doughnut for afternoon tea… make a pledge to take control of your diet by bringing in a homemade lunch at least 3 times a week and some healthy snacks to curb the sugar cravings when they start to creep up. It never takes as long as you think to food prep and you end up saving a decent amount of cash in the process too! Don’t forget, new habits can be formed in 2 weeks.
Declutter your cyber space
Tidy inbox = tidy mind. Stop scrolling, start controlling! Ensure that you are filing everything that comes through your inbox. Make folders your new best friend. You can feel smug and organised the next time your boss asks you to find something super-duper urgent from Client X. It’s also exciting to see your inbox (almost!) empty at the end of the day so you can switch off and reward yourself with a big glass of vino!
Put pen to paper
In the ever evolving high-tech world, poor old snail-mail has been left behind – but how good does it feel when someone takes the time to write you a card or even just a little note? Let’s spread the positive vibes in 2020 and ensure that we are showing our appreciation by sending out a card once a month. Whether it be a thank you to a colleague who helped you with a project, a congrats card to someone in your network, or even a non-work related card. Spread the love and let the good karma reward you. Set a reminder in your phone to hold yourself accountable!
None of the above are overwhelming, and just by making slight, simple tweaks you can expect to see some extremely rewarding and well-earned results both professionally and personally.
Now, go and put on your favourite bright lipstick and heels and go and show 2020 what you’re made of and be your own #GirlBoss!
We want to hear from you!