So, we’ve almost made it to the end of 2019 and the general consensus is that we are TIRED! Is it just me or do the years seem to be getting quicker and longer at the same time?! I am so passionate about my work, but just like everyone else, when we start winding down to the Christmas break, I am well and truly ready for it.
What happens if you are not happy in your current role? The thought of the Christmas break is amazing but can often be trumped by thoughts of anxiety about returning to an unhappy work environment, a job you don’t like or that extended travel time where you spend half your day on public transport…
Make 2020 a year of new goals and a new job! Here is our list of top things to do to kick off your 2020 job hunt with a BANG.
Time to update your CV
Now is the time to update your CV (pretty obvious, I know but you would be amazed at some of the resumes we see on a daily basis). Feel free to enlist the assistance of your favourite recruiter, maybe a friend with an eye for detail or someone who has a creative flair. In a world that is becoming very automated it can really be worth having a CV that stands out from the crowd.
Attention to detail is also key – you would be shocked with the amount of errors we see on cover letters and resumes alike. Details and dates need to be correct, be honest about your skill set and your position titles. Be proud of what you’ve achieved so far and excited about what you want to achieve in your next role.
Dress to impress!
We always say dress to impress. I feel that is a general rule of thumb. But you need to make sure you always dress for the business you are interviewing for as well. You don’t want to be turning up to a cool creative company in your corporate pant suit or vice versa, it’s about reading the room and showing you can fit in with their existing team and culture!
Let go of the negative attitude
Let it go! Whatever the negativity you are holding on to, whether it be your existing job, a boss you can’t wait to never see again, personal matters, etc. when you arrive at the door for your interview, take a big breath and in you go – leaving all your baggage at the door.
There is nothing more off-putting to a potential employer then badmouthing your current or previous employer. That doesn’t mean you can’t be honest about things but keep it professional and leave the emotion at the door.
Same goes for things happening in your personal life, sometimes it hits the fan. Shit happens. But that is not the vibe you want to bring into your interview. Put on your game face for your interview, you’ve got to show that you’re resilient.
Know your strengths and weaknesses – OWN THEM
My personal, most hated interview question is “can you tell me your 3 biggest strengths and weaknesses?”… UGH – who even asks that anymore?! Well, some people do and while it’s key to be able to shoot off answers quickly and confidently to that question, it is also massively beneficial to just know those things about yourself. Slipping strengths into conversation can be a tricky one but a good skill to learn. Take the time to write things down and memorise them, that way it’s like second nature when talking about them. Also try to avoid the cliché weaknesses answers such as – “I work too hard, I’m a perfectionist…” instead try to tell you interviewer a genuine weakness you had in the past and how you have taken steps to overcome it.
Next time an interviewer asks you a question you will be ready for them! Don’t forget the examples either!!
Be a YES person!
In the Sprint Universe we specialise in Office Support recruitment, so that’s exactly what we expect our candidates to deliver in a role – SUPPORT! The best employees are people that are eager and willing to rise to any challenge or task they are asked to do. Whether that be to empty the officer dishwasher or pull together a super urgent report. Countless times we’ve walked out of interviews and said “I liked candidate X but all they were talking about is what they wanted, not what they can give”. Of course you will have your list on non-negotiables like location, hours, industry etc. but you also need to express what will make you valuable to a company – just be willing to put your hand up and say yes to anything that comes your way!
Give yourself the introduction you deserve
Picture the scene… you’ve been scrolling through Seek for what feels like forever, scoping out your next perfect position. Then BAM, it’s right there before your eyes. It’s the position you’ve been waiting for and the job description looks like it’s been tailored for you. You really, really want it.
So what are you going to do to sure that you stand out from all the other resumes in the inbox? Take some time to write a good and relevant cover letter. It doesn’t have to be an essay, but you need to show the recruiter that you are made for this role! What are the 3 key requirements of this specific role? Identify them and then sell these skills back in your cover letter. The ad states that you need at least 5 years’ experience as a bookkeeper – great you’ve got 8. That’s one ticked off. If the company is disclosed, write a few lines about how you identify with the culture and how you feel you are a good cultural fit. If you CV has all the required attributes for the position and you write a fab cover letter it really will really put you a few pegs above the rest!
Searching for a new role can always feel like a daunting process, and sometimes you will get knocked back in the process. My key advice, be resilient, stay positive and if you put in 110% of your efforts the right role in 2020 will come knocking!
Here’s to 2020 being a year of new kicking goals and finding a new job!
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