As a business owner, play to your skills…

13 Jan 2025 | Hannah Brewer

As a business owner, play to your skills…

There is an SME business I’ve partnered with this year and have placed two successful candidates into the company.

The business owner is a commercially astute, successful individual who has carved themselves out as a specialist in their space. On top of that, they are just one of the nicest people ever – the type of boss most people want to work for.

Recently, they went to market themselves for two roles – one was a Project Management position and the other was an Executive Assistant.

The PM role was hired by the owner in a flash (that’s their background, they know what to look for). With that success under their belt, they dived into the recruitment process for their EA.

350 applications and multiple interviews later, the process was nothing short of an epic fail and the owner was still no closer to finding their ‘right hand’.

An email landed in my inbox…

“Please can you help me again…”

Long story short, in 10 days the role was placed with the first candidate they interviewed from Sprint.

On wrap-up of the process, I had a call with the owner who was breathing the biggest sigh of relief as we had found someone who was bang-on to the brief after months of searching.

They were transparent to say that they didn’t call me first because recruitment fees are expensive (they come off the bottom line, I get it) and they thought they could fill it themselves.

I laughed out loud when she stated, “I realised I had to call you because I didn’t have a clue what I was looking for… I have some great skills, but recruiting EAs is not one of them.”

The owner trusted me to find what they were seeking, so they could get on with running their business.

Recruitment fees are not loose change, but like any service, you are paying for a skillset of expertise that has been formed over time. When you partner with an agency that understands your business, the value speaks for itself and your time (and sanity!!) can be saved.

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